Chowchilla Lions Club

Welcome! The Chowchilla Lions Club meetings are usually held the 3rd Thursday at 7:00 PM at Farnesi’s Restaurant in Chowchilla, CA. The Board of Directors meet on the 1st Thursday at Chowchilla Library 7:00 PM.
Contact: Club President Donnie Hansen at

Join Us

Check out our Calendar for upcoming events and meetings.

About Us

Chowchilla Lions Club (#2251) was chartered 1928. Find out more…

Our Projects

We believe in Community pride – Community-wide. 

Members of 4A1-MD4-LCI

We belong to Lions Clubs International, Multiple District Four, and District 4-A1.

What does LIONS mean? 

“Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nation’s Safety” 
Anyone interested in Joining the Chowchilla Lions Club and supporting the community, feel free to contact President Lion Donnie at – send him an e-mail or contact any member in the club. 
Attend our Dinner meeting and work a project.  You will find that the work that the Lions Club offers will not only lift your spirits but makes us better people in our community. 
We believe in Community pride – Community-wide.  We have lots to offer the community – from eye exams for children to cleaning up the community. 

Become a member of the largest service organization in the world!

Join Now! To download an application, click on button below and locate the downloaded application on your device…